The Research Group
for Biological Arms Control
for Biological Arms Control

Current Projects
Past Projects
- Neither safety nor security without cooperation. Control measures for biological high risk research in European Union states
- economic, social and legal aspects of biodefence research
- Biosecurity aspects in life science programmes at German universities. A survey (2010)
- Dual use life science research and its potential application in bioterrorism (2008-2009)
- The role of non-state actors in promoting nonproliferation and arms control efforts against biological weapons (2007-2009)
- Arms control through science control? The role of natural scientists in bioweapons programmes of states (2005-2007)
- Verification concepts – Building on the UNSCOM/UNMOVIC experience (2005-2007)
- History of biological warfare related research in Germany past 1945 in (German only)
- Impact of US regulations on microbiological research in Germany – A 2004 survey (2004)
- New technologies for the generation of aerosols and their impact on biological weapons proliferation (2003-2004)